Apresan en Dubái influencer acusado de cometer ciberestafas por unos US$ 430 millones - N Digital

Apresan en Dubái influencer acusado de cometer ciberestafas por unos US$ 430 millones

Un ‘influencer’ nigeriano conocido por su lujoso estilo de vida, que incluía aviones privados y autos de lujo, fue apresado en un departamento de Dubái (Emiratos Árabes Unidos) acusado de haber cometido ciberestafas a través de las que consiguió unos 430 millones de dólares.

Del operativo participaron agentes del FBI, Interpol y la Policía local, que sorprendieron a Raymond Abbas, de 38 años, mientras dormía. Además, en el lugar fueron hallados unos 150 millones de dirhams (unos 40 millones de dólares) en efectivo. También fueron apresadas otras 12 personas y fueron secuestrados más de una docena de vehículos lujosos.

Según se indicó, las detenciones fueron la culminación de una investigación de dos meses contra Abbas, conocido como Hushpuppi en Instagram, donde tiene 2,4 millones de seguidores, quien está acusado de fraude en EE.UU., Europa y Nigeria.

De acuerdo con el brigadier Jamal al Jalaf, de la Policía de Dubái, los sospechosos buscaron a sus víctimas en el extranjero “mediante la creación de sitios web falsos para empresas y bancos conocidos en un intento de robar la información de la tarjeta de crédito de las víctimas y luego lavar el dinero robado”.

Además, revelaron que fueron halladas direcciones de correo electrónico de unos dos millones de personas en decenas de teléfonos, computadoras y discos duros.

Antes de presentarse como un multimillonario desarrollador inmobiliario en Dubái, Abbas trabajaba como comerciante de indumentaria de segunda mano en Lagos (Nigeria). Luego comenzó su promoción en las redes, donde afirma que la exhibición de su lujoso estilo de vida busca inspirar a otros a superarse, aunque los investigadores estiman que era el modo de conseguir potenciales víctimas.

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Letter to the Ghetto Kid: As a man that I am today who developed from being one of you guys, who went through the same struggles you are presently going through, who had to run and jump hurdles where other kids just walk past the same situation in a better environment with better resources and much provisions, I know the society do not expect you to make it, the government don't care about your future, they toy and joke around making rules and laws that only affect you and benefit the rich. You lack everything it requires to become who you might have loved to be, do the things you would have loved to do or to live the life you may have seen on tv or the internet, which I know you even have limited access to because there's never power supply for such, which means you are deprived most of the things that can be learnt through tv and internet in the first place which makes your dreams smaller, quicker to fade away but I want you to know that darkness you are, without the dark, the stars won't shine and so you can shine out if that darkness. You have been deprived so many right a child deserves and the world look down on you because you are nothing but a clot of blood miraculously turned a baby, and an unfortunate one at that. Good health, good foods or good education hasn't been in any way your chance to have. Looking at you disgusts not your brethren only but even strangers are not so impressed for your unhealthy appearance. Your strength; courage; and dreams are nothing but hallucination just because you were not supposed to dream big. I am sure nobody ever believed in whatever you say or do. You have been victimized by neighbors; friends; and even family members who were supposed to give you hope. This is my story, this is me and this is the hushpuppi you have been hearing about. The Ghetto kid in me is at Its peak and ready to explode and spread around the globe. I am you and you are me. I represent every under priviledge kid of the world and especially of Nigeria and of Lagos and of Bariga and of Oworonsoki — Where a landlord had chased me and my family out of a rented room. I'll never forget the look on my mother's face trying to send me and my

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Fuente: RT

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